I’m Published!

I met with my supervisor last week. I glanced at her table upon which was a copy of the tome in which my paper on Jean Martin and his Grand Bureau des Pauvres makes up chapter three. “Oh, it’s the book”, I thought and then realised “It’s the book!“.

I have been looking at the Ashgate website so often, okay, on a daily basis, that the book is rather familiar, so it took a few seconds to twig that it was the actual book I was staring at.

Being the sad case I am, I borrowed Sue’s copy and headed straight to the library to scan my portion, which I include here for your perusal. You do not have to read it, my friends, but merely ‘Ooh! Ah!’ at the sight of my name in print and send me congratulatory emails along the lines of ‘You’re so brilliant!’.

Lisa’s first academic publication

Due to the embarrassment of finding my blog coming up as the third and fifth option when Googling ‘Governing Masculinities’, I have decided it might be better to have any of my academic triumphs featured in a blog that separates Lisa the Silly Billy from Lisa the Academic. I direct you to that site now in case you wanted to bookmark it for future Procrastination Moments – http://queenprocrastinatoracademiclife.wordpress.com/